Visa Support

Entry visa and visa support

Visitors from most countries have to obtain Russian entry visa in the nearest Russian Consulate department in your home country. There are some happy exceptions: citizens of some Post-Soviet countries, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Moldova, Republic of Montenegro, Serbia, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Venezuela need no entry visa. Media regularly inform about negotiations on visa-free travelling between Russia and some other countries, including EU. We don’t believe that this will come true by the time of the conference, but recommend you to check whether you need a visa by the time you will plan your trip.

Obtaining business visa is somewhat annoying (you will have to visit Russian consulate department personally) and costly. Take time for this procedure and remember that to apply for Russian visa you will have to receive a business invitation from the conference management company (CTO Group). Normally the procedure of preparing of this invitation takes about 1-2 weeks.

You may consider applying for 2 optional visa types. Both business and tourist visa will allow you to come for the Conference. However, obtaining tourist visa is easier, quicker and in some cases cheaper; it is much more convenient, especially if you travel with your family. The only point to keep in mind – you should refer to TOURISM as the aim of the trip when applying for visa and when crossing the Russian border.

NOTE: Tourist visa support is free if you book accommodation in one of our partners’ hotel.

Below you can find the procedural guidelines for obtaining a tourist visa. If by some reasons you prefer applying for a business visa, we will send you the guidelines upon your request.

1) Make a good scanned copy of the 1st (main) page of your travel passport and the page of prolongation if any. The passport is required to be valid 6 months after the end of the visa term.

2) Send a copy of your passport to Please indicate the desired dates of your trip. Remember, that you cannot enter Russia before the date you specify and leave later that the date of departure you specify, so that better notify a longer period than you actually plan, but no longer than one month.

3) Wait for the legal invitation, which we send to you in 1 weekday (for some countries in 2 to 3 days).

4) Print the scanned copy of the invitation.

5) Visit Russian Consulate department in your country, provide the copy of invitation to the officer, pay the visa fee, and fill in an application form. Provide your photo if needed. Remember that you are applying for the TORIST visa.

6) On the announced day visit Russian Council department once again to get your visa.

We recommend you to contact the Consulate you have chosen before requesting the visa invitation. It will help you to get all relevant information in advance.

A list of Russian Consulates is available on

Payment for tourist or business invitations can be fulfilled on our website after making the order, or with help of an authorization letter. Authorization letter will be sent to you upon request. The price for regular visa service is 900 Rub.

Please feel free to contact “CTO Group”, if you have any questions.

Dmitriy Tarasenko
Phone.: +7 (495) 960-21-90 ext. 161

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